Nordic Cycling will meet for their annual meeting during the UEC congress. Annual meeting will be held on 16th of March in Santiago de Compostela, Spain.
Sandis Āķis - new President in Latvia
Sandis Āķis has been elected president of the Latvian Cycling Federation (LRF), and thus the businessman, cycling supporter and athlete will lead the LRF for the next four years.
Darius Levickis - new president in Lithuania
1. Vice-president: Ramūnas Navardauskas
2. Vice-president: Deividas Vileniškis
Secretary General: Gabija Valentinavičiūtė
Dmitrii Leopold is member of the Executive Committee
Management Committee 2020
The Annual NC meeting was meant to be held in conjunction with the UEC congress in Tel Aviv, Israel. This congress was postponed due to the Cocid-19 virus.
Nordic Meetings
Nordic Cycling Annual Meeting 2020
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The new Nordic Cycling
Bilder gjør bloggen din mer levende og tiltrekker seg lesernes oppmerksomhet. Det første bildet i et innlegg brukes automatisk som miniatyrbilde for hele innlegget. Det vil si at man bør velge det første bildet med omhu.